- 壮麗{そうれい}な中庭{なかにわ}
splendid courtyard 意味
- "splendid achievements which marked someone's brilliant career" 意味
- "splendid art book" 意味
- "splendid banquet" 意味
- "splendid bursts of fireworks" 意味
- "splendid clothes for the fashion-conscious woman" 意味
- "splendid culture of making things" 意味
- "splendid day" 意味
- "splendid diction" 意味
- "splendid entertainment" 意味
- "splendid bursts of fireworks" 意味
- "splendid clothes for the fashion-conscious woman" 意味
- "splendid culture of making things" 意味
- "splendid day" 意味